Heres a quick update on the recent patch.
1. Executioner's calling was bugged and granted a 12:1 Ap raio. Meaning 100 Ap will deal 1200 in burn damage over 12 seconds. However, it was quickly popularized and hotfixed at 10 PM Pst.
2. Udyr, a seemingly underwhelming champion. Players are still adapting to him to a viable playstyle. However, I don't think we will be seeing one too soon once he goes off of the free to play rotation.
3. Tryndamere - Appears to be a very good champion. I've been seeing him a lot of games lately. It feels like crit items like avarice blades are the way to go.
4. Ryze - his spell flux reworked makes it used more as a chain lightning. With an ancient golem buff you will see him casting it every 6 seconds.
Overall feel of things - I've been seeing a lot more physical carries as of late. Casters are slowly becoming underwhelming once again like prior to the wipes. I'm really digging Gangplank right now (for team orientated play). Especially because he is on free rotation. I stack him with Red Marks of Shielding, Yellow Seals of Evasion, Blue Glyphs of Shielding, and Quintessence of Fortitude. I first Build a Meki Pendant, Tabi, Frozen Heart, then Sunfires or Banshees. It feels like he can run into anything and walk out alive.