Thursday, December 3, 2009

Push Strategy Now Viable

The push strategy prior to the tower nerf and creep buff was already annoying and was especially effective in the lower to mid tier range. Now with the recent changes it is even viable in the top tier play. I wonder how mid and lower tier is affected.


  1. What exactly is "The Push Strategy?"
    Like 5man promote? Or just awesome pushers focusing on pushing rather than ganking...?

  2. I think it means pushing down towers and avoiding team fights, thus making the other team run around and losing towers and staying defensive. If you achieve that you can switch to containing and controling them and win the game.

  3. When we used to do it before it also meant stacking rallies/promotes/heals and picking champions like Soraka, Taric, Kayle or Alister to make your team hard to kill. Then combining that with champions that provide team damage buffs like Sivir, Taric, Kayle, or Gangplank to be able to blitz down towers quickly.

  4. this is true. played a game where they did dragon and right after, pushed one lane to inhib and then pushed another one and won.

  5. i would just like to add that i love how riot fixed the pushing strat before and after some time, they try to "balance" the game, and end up allowing the pushing strat to be viable again. makes you wonder what riot is actually thinking...

    and just to answer dan's thought, it's horrific when it appears in low, mid tier play. i was solo queueing against a terrible pug with 5 promotes and 5 rallies. we were even able to get a few kills off them, but my team was so bad, it didn't even matter. no aoe, cm with no gold cards, teammates trying to push other lanes. yeahh...
